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Karen A Kovacs

I have long been fascinated by how we come in and out of balance. I have been observing this in myself and have explored Asian systems of health for a better understanding. In Asian cultures, balance is demonstrated by the Yin Yang symbol which represents the perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy. These energies are not equivalent to male and female genders, but are inherent in the natural elements and therefore, in every part of creation. Men and women embody both.


In our modern culture, especially in America, we put more emphasis on Yang, the doing, striving, forcing, intending, accomplishing, and we covet our independence. Therefore, we overuse and burn up our yang energy. Yang promotes and increases Yin, so we are also diminishing our Yin energy which is gentleness, flowing, surrender, receiving, and nurturing. If you observe our society or our environment, you will see that it is out of balance because Yang is predominant. Overall, we are very much in need of cultivating our Yin energy, both individually and collectively for balance.

Yin Energy Is Needed for Fulfilling Our Dreams

As human beings, we want many things that we know will provide quality of life – good friendships, love relationships, health, wealth, and more. We have been taught to stay focused and work hard to strive toward our life goals. My heart-powered path has taught me that we must also have adequate Yin energy to receive our desires when the time is right.  When we long to start a new business or a love relationship, what we do (yang) is important, but equally important is surrendering to the right timing, recognizing the right partners, being receptive to the doors that are opening, and learning to be gentle and patient.  Cultivating our ability to receive is essential, because we are meant to receive our future. We receive everything. We receive our breath, our bodies, our culture, our families, and essentially our life. We are beings that are meant to receive, and then we give out from what we receive. 


Are We Ready to Receive?

I have learned that a good barometer of my readiness to receive is to notice what I give myself.  My observations about what I feed myself, the quality of the friends I choose, whether I am allowing myself to rest, giving myself quiet time, and enough time to play tell me if I am ready and willing to receive. Trust me, I know this imbalance well, and I am still working on this one! My childhood traumas have conditioned me to want to work hard to keep people happy, because the happiness of other people is tied to my safety. This is an important point because the beliefs that we hold about our worth, our fear of change, our abundance and also money can subconsciously block or delay what we allow ourselves to receive. Think of everything as a manifestation of consciousness, and then look at different aspects of your life. What do you see? How willing and ready are you to receive what you want and need?


Cultivating Yin Energy for Greater Balance

What can we do to cultivate Yin energy?  Yin is cultivated by mentally surrendering, going with the flow of life, being willing to let go of what isn’t right for us, and by nurturing ourselves in the same way we would care for people we love.  Just being present, in the present moment, is a Yin nurturing state of mind where gratitude and joy are abiding. Meditation is a Yang activity because we are focusing our mind and our breath, but it promotes a Yin state. This is easily demonstrated by sitting in meditation or by deep breathing for even a short period of time. Notice how you feel. Notice how you begin to slow the mind and feel calm. Here is your opportunity to experiment, as I have, with what nurtures your balance. We must each find what works for us.⚡️

I am getting much better at bringing my dreams into reality by learning to balance my giving and receiving. I cultivate Yin everyday through meditation and deep breathing. I hike and sit in nature. When I can, I love the feel of putting my bare feet in naturally flowing streams. I find time each day to work toward my goals but to also rest and relax. Building my balance of Yin and Yang has opened my heart center, thereby, strengthening my intuition and my ability to receive guidance for my spiritual journey.

If not now, when? ❤️ 



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