I have intellectually understood the difference between Being and Doing for many years, but I recently woke up to their purpose for the life path I have chosen.
Doing is living in my mind through my beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and plans. In my mind, I have imagined and mapped out my life according to my preferred self-image. I expect and want certain outcomes. I know what I need and sometimes what I want. Life in my mind seems unlimited but is actually limited to experiences that are familiar and predictable, whether good or bad. However, I feel in control, and I manipulate life toward my desired outcomes. I experience joy when my plan is working, and I feel validated and safe. I experience anxiety, hurt and anger when something unexpected or unintended happens to separate me from what I believe I need.
Being is flowing from my heart in a child-like way as I explore the world with wonder. Living from an open heart is moving through life guided by inspiration, intuition, synchronicity, miracles and creativity. My heart’s guidance gives me the direction to move toward, but I don’t always know what I will experience or where I am destined to arrive. Sometimes I feel something like fear, but when I look closely, it’s actually a feeling of awe because it feels spacious. I follow the signs and clues along the way. It’s definitely not a linear path. It’s more like moving with the wind or flowing with water. Being is life as art.
I now know in my heart that we are meant to explore both Being and Doing in our lives. They are the yin and yang of our personal existence. With each perspective we gain something. We must know them both because they work together. For many of us, the mind is in the lead but there will be a time when the Soul calls us to follow the heart. If we hear the call and strengthen our ability to follow without distraction, we will move through life with the heart as our compass and we will harness the mind-energy of doing to determine the steps to take on the heart’s path. When the heart leads, we are ready to express ourselves as a complete human being where heart, mind and soul are connected. In this sacred state, we are on the path where the realm of heaven is gradually revealed to us. We begin to see it in our world through grace alone. The heart points the way. The clear mind serves the heart and shows us the best steps to take.
Be still and listen for you are to know this for yourself.