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Karen A Kovacs

Mantra: I am no longer striving to reach a perfect state. I am training myself to be grounded here and now.




“Zen Buddhists use a round symbol called enso (円相) to express their version of wabi-sabi. This perfect circle of black ink painted with a thick brush is made of infinite motion: always moving, never standing still. Sometimes, a painting will feature a gap in the circle. This open version of an enso has both an end and beginning, reminding us that all things have a start and finish. The incomplete circle points out the imperfections in existence, and how we should strive to appreciate and understand things for the brief moment in time they exist, however imperfect they may be. To a Zen priest, this life is but a brief spark in a grand timeline of many lifetimes. However, only the current lifetime is knowable, and that is what they focus on: the here and now. They strive to find their inner self to better understand the true nature of their place in the universe, imperfections and all. The enso remains an important teaching tool for Buddhist monks, and help us better understand the practical application of wabi-sabi philosophy.”


Terin Jackson, Expat living in Kyoto



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